Saturday, April 13, 2019

Prom 2019

One of these young men asked if I would take his groups prom pictures. These guys gave me a run for my money! Instead of doing it during the golden hour they needed it done at 2 in the afternoon. Eeeek! That is like one of the worse times ever. And they wanted them done on the gold course surrounded by golfers and very littls shade. There was suppose to be 4 couples but one never showed so we went on with out him. 

It bugs me that blogger changes the pixels of my photos making them blurry!

I had to beg and plead for this group to do a fun picture. They were so serious. I think part of the problem was that the 3 boys were friends but the girls really didn't know each other. They were all a bit akward with each other. 

It's so fun to see the beautiful dresses, the matching flowers and the time you know it took them to get their hair and make-up just right! Hard to believe that I will have a child old enough to go to Prom next year!